The Importance of Oral Health

 In Oral Hygiene

Though we may not think about it daily, our oral hygiene is a lot more important to our overall health than we realize. Because your mouth is the entry point to your digestive and respiratory systems, it is important to keep bacteria in this area under control in order to avoid diseases.

One way to help strengthen your teeth is by being conscious of the foods you eat and implementing foods into your diets that will benefit you. Foods that are rich in calcium, phosphorus, and vitamin C are optimal for oral care.

For stronger teeth, eating calcium-rich foods is the way to go. Foods that include dairy like milk, yogurt, and cheese, or leafy green vegetables such as spinach and kale can help with this. Phosphorus also aids in the strengthening of our teeth. Incorporating fish, lean meat, nuts, and eggs will also help our oral health in the long run.

Vitamin C helps strengthen your gums and other soft tissue in your mouth. Citrus fruits like oranges, grapefruits, and tangerines along with broccoli, brussel sprouts, and cauliflower are a few ways to lift your vitamin C intake. Other vegetables with high sources of vitamin C are tomatoes, cabbage, and bell peppers. Eating these veggies raw can help improve your oral health.

In addition to implementing these foods into your lifestyle, brushing your teeth, flossing regularly, and brushing your tongue are also vital to help develop a healthy oral hygiene routine. In order to continue to maintain our overall health, controlling our oral health is important. Forming these healthy habits early on will help in the long run.

Here at Wurzbach Parkway Family Dental, we understand the importance of regular cleanings and view them as an opportunity to make sure everything in your mouth is working as it should. Schedule your appointment today, and let us help you steer clear of disease through proactive dental care.

Wurzbach Family Dental is a San Antonio Dentist office with cutting-edge technology, exceptional customer service, and a warm and comfortable environment. We write about the latest news in the industry and provide dental tips for our patients.
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