With summer now over and children back in school, it’s important to ensure that their oral health needs are met. Why? Because a lack of oral health maintenance care can negatively impact [...]
If your teeth have been compromised through decay, cracks or fractures, you will need restorative dentistry services to help restore the mouth back into a functional state. Two common forms of [...]
When patients are considering or about to undergo a whitening procedure most ask, “how long does it take to whiten teeth?” This is a valid question, however, there is not a one size fits all [...]
Invisalign is on the rise with teens. The American Association of Orthodontists estimates that nearly 4.3 million patients 17 years old and younger were treated in North America in 2016, a 66 [...]
Since we are in the second half of the year, it’s important to take advantage of your dental insurance. It is estimated that one out of four people with dental insurance do not take advantage by [...]
A study conducted in Finland by Tampere University researchers suggests that good oral hygiene could prevent a stroke after finding traces of oral bacteria in the blood clots that caused [...]
We’ve been told many times that brushing your teeth and flossing daily are critical for having healthy teeth, but did you know that the foods you eat play a role? Carrots Not only does [...]
Do you feel insecure about your smile, but you’re not sure which procedure might be best for you to fix it? Are there several cosmetic issues you want to tackle at once? A complete smile makeover [...]
Insecure about teeth gaps or permanent stains that don’t seem to go away? You can get that celebrity smile you deserve with porcelain veneers. At Wurzbach Parkway Family Dental, we use the [...]
In this part of our smile solutions series, we’ll be covering the solution to the gaps in your teeth that might be affecting your confidence. Did you bite into a piece of hard candy as a child [...]