Gum Disease and Premature Birth
Another Reason to Take Care of Your Teeth
If you are pregnant or thinking of having a baby, your Obstetrician is not the only doctor you should be seeing to ensure the health and safety of your baby. Recent studies have found a correlation between gum disease and premature births that indicate the importance of getting regular check-ups from your dentist in order to ensure a healthy pregnancy.
Bacteria Causing Gum Inflammation
Periodontal Disease is when the gums become inflamed and infected due to plaque bacteria residing below the gum line. The problem with these particular bacteria is that it can seep into the blood stream, target the fetus, and lead to pre-mature labor and low-birth-weight babies. These same bacteria have also been linked to cardiovascular disease, so it makes sense.
Periodontal Disease Prevention and Care for Mothers-to-be
Luckily, most women who are in there child bearing years, are too young to be effected by gum disease. But you can never be too sure. Pregnancy tends to create all kinds of strange cravings for different foods that may fuel tooth decay. Some women may have had very little dental care or have not had a professional teeth cleaning in years or ever, which means they are at risk. That’s why periodontal screening and preventative care before and during pregnancy is highly recommended for women planning to be and who are currently pregnant. Seeing your dentist regularly for cleanings and practicing good dental hygiene is crucial to keeping the bacteria that causes periodontal disease at bay and ensuring a safe pregnancy and healthy baby.
Wurzbach Parkway Family Dental Welcome Mothers-to-be
Here at Wurzbach Parkway Family Dental, we welcome women who are planning to be or already are pregnant to get their pregnancy dental screenings here. We also offer wellness plan memberships that will allow you to spread out payments for regular teeth cleanings and gum disease cleanings. The monthly membership fee also includes a 15% discount on preventive dental services. Call (210) 877- 2273 to schedule your pre-natal dental care screening or go to