Over time, tooth decay and cavities can create irreparable damage to the surfaces of a tooth requiring it to be restored or removed. Dental Crowns not only restore a tooth’s structure, but also [...]
So, you’ve decided to straighten your teeth and need to know whether you should get braces or Invisalign. Here are the pros and cons of both, so that you can decide which is best for you. The [...]
At times, the summer scorching heat can be intolerable. During this season, many of us will reach for frozen treats or ice-cold sodas to cool down from the heat. Even though we may like cold [...]
Do you ever stop to look at a mirror and notice that your teeth are looking more yellow than normal? What causes the discoloration or staining of your teeth? Teeth discoloration can result from a [...]
School is finally over and summer break is here! The summer season is a great opportunity to vacation somewhere fun. Sometimes we can get distracted by the excitement of going on a big trip that [...]
Why remove wisdom teeth? There are a few reasons why dentists are recommended that wisdom teeth needed to be removed. Depending on how your wisdom teeth position it could put a strain on the rest [...]
Maintains proper mouth function With a missing tooth, the full function of your mouth will become compromised in some way. Missing teeth can affect the way you pronounce certain words, determine [...]
Pros of using a water pick Water picks, or water flossers, are hand held devices that use a pressurized stream of water to wash away food particles and plaque from between the teeth and around [...]
Are Metal Fillings Safe? When you have a cavity, the dentist drills away the decayed portion of the tooth, or cavity, and fills the hole with a metal filling. Metal fillings, also known as [...]
Have you ever had a pain in your jaw and weren’t sure whether the pain was coming from a tooth or your sinuses? Due to the close proximity of your sinuses and tooth roots, the state of one can [...]