Flossing is a hard habit to maintain, but it is important for your teeth’s health to floss daily. Flossing helps you avoid gum disease, prevent tartar build up, avoid cavities, stop bad breath [...]
It is important to start infants with good oral care that will last a lifetime. If a baby’s tooth is lost too early through baby bottle tooth decay, other teeth may drift into the empty space, [...]
When you wake up, do you frequently have a sore jaw or a headache? Have you ever found yourself clenching down on your teeth when you’re stressed? Teeth grinding is fairly common among out dental [...]
Many individuals choose to take a daily multivitamin in order to guarantee that they’re getting the nutrients they need every day. Though proper nutrition is the best way to receive these [...]
In the past, physical paper records were what dental offices would use to keep track of their patients. Over the years, these reports might become difficult to read – or worse, might [...]
It’s natural for children to suck on their thumbs or fingers. It creates a sense of comfort and security, and may even help the child fall asleep. Have you ever wondered if thumb sucking was bad [...]